Made to Measure

Brand leaders are finding themselves increasingly being busied trying to keep up with the competitive landscape they operate it. From understanding the online social landscape, to SEO, to email marketing, to managing their customers expectations and creating next season’s product - it can all be a little too much for a small team to handle. To help in their cause we’ve launched a new service that takes advantage of our intimate understanding of how online works and make it applicable to distinct market verticals such as fashion for which we have accumulated many years of progressive specialist insight. 

This Made to Measure service provides web customisation, design and search strategies to select customers only. Deviating from the way agency work is commissioned on retainers, Made to Measure provides an affordable on demand fee structure that’s based on discrete tasks selected by brand stakeholders in timely response to their needs. Below you’ll find some such ‘popular’ mini projects. The menu is based on the most common requests we continually receive from clients looking to optimise the way their website and shops function + achieve the brand aesthetic they seek. However, if you have something in mind not covered in the ‘Menu’ below, please pick up the phone and talk to us.

Customising your store & website

Get help with choosing the best theme for your product type and market niche. We will select and customise a theme for you. 
This includes 
• Typeface selection and application site wide 
• Apply colour palettes 
• Advanced theme settings such as image aspect ratios, menus and product grid 
settings where applicable. 
Providing you supply us with a logo and banners we will also resize them for your theme and upload them to your site.

Estimate $99

Home banner Design

We will design a set of 1 banner artwork per collection. The design can be based on product photography, lifestyle campaigns and other visual material that you can share with us related to each product collection. Or, if you prefer the design can be purely graphical / typographical.

• Creation of up to 10 designer quality banner artworks for your collections.

• Based on high res images to be provided you

• Graphical / Typographic banners

• Based on copy & collection names provided by you

• We will upload each banner to its destination collection page

• Banner files are saved using keyword & phrases to maximise SEO

Estimate $360


With the blogger phenomenon booming and the explosion of fashion styles shared on social networks, 'LOOKBOOK' has become one of the most used terms on the Internet. The lookbook has become the essential communication tool in this vibrant sector. It is a means of sharing new ideas in how best to put together an outfit and of exploring the very latest looks in fashion.

We will help you use your photographic material for best effect in achieving a lookbook that:

• Appeals to lifestyle desires

• Use quality imagery and graphical elements

• Qualify and organise your imagery to keep it simple and cohesive

• Design for your target market

• Keep the style consistent from to help build and support your brand design

• Make the product the main focus

• Remember to Up-sell or Cross-sell your products and services

• Apply call to action where products can be bought directly

• Add navigation prompt to take your customer into related collection pages

Estimate $275

Collection banners

We will design a set of 1 banner artwork per collection. The design can be based on product photography, lifestyle campaigns and other visual material that you can share with us related to each product collection. Or, if you prefer the design can be purely graphical / typographical.

• Creation of up to 10 designer quality banner artworks for your collections.

• Based on high res images to be provided you

• Graphical / Typographic banners

• Based on copy & collection names provided by you

• We will upload each banner to its destination collection page

• Banner files are saved using keyword & phrases to maximise SEO

Estimate $360

Home page design

Serving as your company's virtual front door, this page is generally responsible for drawing in a majority of your website's traffic. And despite its prominence, many businesses struggle to optimize it properly.

You see, your homepage needs to wear a lot of hats. Rather than treating it like a dedicated landing page built around one particular action, it should be designed to serve different audiences, from different origins. And in order to do so effectively, it needs to be built with purpose. In other words, you'll need to incorporate elements that attract traffic, educate visitors, and invite conversions.


So to improve the performance of your homepage, we will help you optimize 7 critical elements every homepage must have.


  • Headline
    Within three seconds, a website needs to tell visitors what the business has to offer. That's where your headline comes in. It may only be a few words, but it's one of the most important piece of copy on your website.


  • Sub-headline
    Your sub-headline should supplement the headline by offering a brief description of what you do or what you offer. This can be done effectively by zeroing in on a common pain point that your product or service solves or, a lifestyle choice it offers to your customer.

  • Primary Calls-to-Action
    The goal of your homepage is to compel visitors to dig deeper into your website and move them further down the funnel. Include two to three calls-to-action above the fold that direct people to different stages of the buying cycle -- and place them in spots that are easy to find.

  • Supporting Images, banner slideshows, product teasers
    Most people are visual. Make sure to use an image (or even a short video) that clearly indicates what you offer. Use images that capture emotion and cause action, and avoid cheesy stock photos.

  • Benefits
    It's not only important to describe what you do, but also why what you do matters. Prospects want to know about the benefits of buying from you because that's what'll compel them to stick around.

  • Social Proof
    Social proof is a powerful indicator of trust. Your product or service could be the best in the world, and it's okay to lay that claim -- it's just that people may not believe you unless they hear it from other people, too. And that's exactly what social proof does.

  • Navigation
    The design and content in your homepage navigation could mean the difference between a website conversion and a bounce. To decrease bounce rate, give your visitors a clear path into your site from the homepage. Make the navigation menu visible at the top of the page, and organize the links in a hierarchical structure.

Estimate $450

About page

When you’re building a website, it’s tempting to get distracted by all the bells and whistles of the design process and forget all about creating compelling content. But having awesome content on your website is crucial to making inbound marketing work for your business.


So how do you balance your remarkable content creation with your web design needs? Why, with your 'About Us' page, of course! For a remarkable about page, all you need to do is figure out your company's unique identity, and then share it with the world.

I know ... easier said than done. That’s where we can get involved.


We will provide you with a worksheet questionnaire that will help uncover your unique story. The questionnaire will help give us some background as to how you got started, what compels you to drive your business etc.

We then turn your responses into a story about you and your business. It will form the basis to a compelling business mission statement that allows your customers to identify with what you do.


• Creation of an ‘About page’

• About page narrative copy ~ 300 words

• Page layout

• Formatting of images, photos and videos to be used on the page (originals to be supplied by you)

• SEO rich format

Estimate $175

Instagram shop

Ever wanted to let your followers SHOP YOUR INSTAGRAM FEED?

Every image. Shoppable.

Let your Instagram followers shop what they see.

Convert more followers into customers as each image in your feed becomes a shoppable link.

Create lookbooks based on your Instagram images that are instantly shoppable. Multiple shoppable links can be added to every image.

Your shoppable feed automatically updates itself with fresh content using your latest posts. Your shop always stays updated.

Never miss a sale: Stay up to date with your best performing Instagram images. See which ones grab most of your follower attention and converts their interest into sales.

We will create the perfect Instagram shop landing page using on brand typography, video banners and banner imagery for headers if available. Once your Insta shop page is in place you'll be able to link your IG profile link to the same page showing your shoppable links on your own domain (therefore maximising your customer's experience and sales flow = better conversions)

Estimate $230

Seo audit & Strategy

Products and images optimisation for SEO based on < 100 products

We will conduct an audit of your site and suggest keywords and phrases you should use on your site that will achieve better Google page rank. The suggestions are based on competitor analysis and competing searches within your vertical. We will provide you with recommendations that can be applied to your website and help you get set up to leverage those findings to your advantage.

You will receive:

• A full website and store audit.

• Review of rich snippets, page summaries and keyword densities.

• A list of 20 suggested keywords and phrases to be used in your website

• An actionable recommendations list you can apply to your existing site and future product listings, blog articles and page website inserts.

• Recommendations for the re-nenaming of all your product images to coincide with keywords and phrases.

• A list of suggested tools and utilities you can use to track the ranking performance of your site.

Estimate $450

Newsletter Integration

Email marketing is one of the cheapest and most effective way to drive traffic and sales to your business. SupaDupa automatically collects your customers email at checkout with an easy opt-in button. 
We will help you use Mailchimp or your preferred email provider and get you up and running with: 
• A Pop-Up email notification to collect email from prospective customers 
• A template for your newsletter that you’ll be able to use to send to your audience

Estimate $230

How this thing works

Rather than spend the time reading long proposals and adding up complicated estimates we’ve likened the process of getting your web design booked to that of choosing what to eat from an à la carte menu at a restaurant:
  1. Start by choosing one or more mini projects you wish to book with us.

  2. Add them to your basket and proceed to the checkout. The booking will be placed once payment is received.

  3. Most projects are completed within 5 - 8 days. If there’s a need to expedite your project you may choose the ‘Rushed delivery’ option. This will get things done "prontissimo". (Prontissimo as in the pseudo-Latin 1 - 3 days. Not as in ‘Back to the Future’, time warped "I need it like yesterday").

  4. You'll be asked to provide us with an email address and phone number we can reach you on.

  5. Shortly after we receive you order we will reach out to you to gather your thoughts about what you’ve chosen to get done. This is normally an informal chat (over Skype, please be dressed) that allows us to take notes and get to know you and your brand better. We’ll make suggestions based on our experience of your vertical and together we will arrive at a strategic direction to take with artwork, SEO targets or creative directions for your website. This normally requires booking out between 20mins to an 1 hour of discussion depending on the scope of your project.

  6. When required, we’ll ask you to send us various assets like photos, lifestyle shots, logos and other brand collateral that’s deemed relevant for the project. DropBox or, YouSendIt are our preferred channels to share this material.

  7. We’ll get started on your project soon after our discussion and set a time you can expect to hear from us with an update on the progress we’ve made.

  8. We expect to complete most projects within 5 - 8 days of receiving your booking subject to complexity and availability in our schedules. We rarely slip on the time frames we commit but alas, we aren’t infallible.

  9. On completion, the project will be handed over to you with the usual fanfare of orchestrated jubilation. Where possible, as with say banners or web design requiring special pages, the work will be handed over in a way that also enables you to further edit it at a later date. Handy!

  10. In many cases, working together like this proffers a danger of kindling a beautiful relationship; we don’t expect fan mail. But, if you’re feeling supportive you could always surprise us with a review, the mere gesture of which probably means more to us than you’ll ever know.