Your Site's Activity At A Glance - Now Showing On Your Dashboard


The moment you open your SupaDupa admin, the first page you’ll see is your Dashboard.

This page is the starting point for the work you do in Supadupa, showing your key store's activity at a glance. From here, you can:

  • See a comprehensive overview of visitor interaction on your site
  • Track recent traffic statistics
  • Manage your store's key movements

Check out our simple guide for the breakdown on what's featured on your Dashboard:

Statistic Description
Sales Overview Reporting on your store’s activity, from incoming traffic to your most popular landing page. It’s all the important stuff you want to know
Visits The number of people who come to your site
Orders The total number of orders placed during the time frame set
Referring Domains The most popular sites your visitors arrive from
Countries The most popular countries your site is being visited from
Search Keywords Search Keywords are the search terms used on a search engine such as Google, Bing or Yahoo that resulted in a set of search results that a visitor clicked on to get to your store.
Landing Page Path The most popular landing pages in your site
Devices A breakdown of visits from either desktop or mobile devices
Orders since you launched A grand total of orders placed since opening your store
Recent activity Listing the last 15 events made in your SupaDupa admin

Step 1 - Select A Date Range

In the top right hand corner of your Dashboard, filter your results by selecting one of the date ranges below:

  • 7 days
  • 14 days
  • 30 Days
  • 60 Days


Step 2 - View Statistics

Sales Overview


Your traffic and sales data are displayed in a table which include:

  1. Sales

  2. All time sales

  3. Sales conversion: (orders placed / sales) x 100

  4. Orders placed

  5. Average order value: (sales / order placed) x 100

  6. Products bought per order: (orders/sales) x 100

  7. Average daily visits: (visitors / number of days) x 100

  8. Visits from desktop, mobile and tablet devices



Visits shows a table of the total number of visits, time frame selected and most popular country your traffic is derived from. Visits will also be presented in a line chart.

How is a 'visit' measured?
Our threshold of inactivity is 4 hours.
So if you haven’t been active for 4 hours, the next time we see you, that visit is considered as a new visit.

Please note: This figure will vary when viewing visitors in Google Analytics or perhaps any other analytics service you may use. This is because each service will differ in thresholds of inactivity.



Orders shows a table of the number of units purchased, the number of orders made and the total sales generated for the time frame selected. A breakdown of orders will also be presented in a bar chart.

Referring Domains


Referring domains shows the URLS that directed traffic to your site by percentage in a table and bar chart.

What is an "Unknown" URL?
An "Unknown" URL that directs traffic to your site, could have been derived from an app such as Instagram. These URLs can not be detected.



Counties shows the most popular countries your shoppers are visiting you from by percentage in a table and bar chart.

What is an "Unknown" country?
An "Unknown" country could be where the user is browsing your site via a VPN service, masking the original source. When this is used, countries can not be detected.

Search Keyword


Search Keywords show words that users enter into search engines to successfully find your site.

What is an "Unknown" search keyword?
An “Unknown” search keyword value, typically relates to those users who have come to your site directly or via a link from another site - but not via a search engine. Most search engine provide these keywords when a user is redirected to your site but not all do.

Landing Page Paths


Landing Page paths shows a a table of the most popular landing pages shoppers land on when arriving at your site



Devices shows the most popular devices shoppers use when visiting your site by percentage in a table and pie chart.

Orders Since Launch


Orders since launch showing the grand total of units, orders and sales mades since opening your SupaDupa store.

Recent Activity


Recent activity lists the last 15 events made in your SupaDupa admin.
